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Digital Marketing.

Optimize Your Splash

A successful digital marketing strategy focuses on the quality and regularity of its content. You need a team of experienced people committed on iterating multi-channel strategies that effectively reach your target audience.

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Digital Marketing Process

At Coobo Media, we have found the perfect balance of interacting with clients in the onset and at periodic intervals to provide vision and direction but without the burden of constant oversight. This allows our clients the ongoing comfort of understanding and approving strategies and deliverables in the most efficient and timely manner.

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Hi. Hello. Hey. Hola. Ciao. —The meaning is the same, but the tone says a lot about who you are as a company. Every word and image defines your product, your service and your brand. You’re not trying to attract a referral. Your future clients are out there. Make your initial introduction perfect.

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Social Media

A great social media plan requires a careful blend of research, relevance, and creativity. One post can generate attention, but an organized routine can cultivate a dedicated following of engaged users. Our team will create a strategy that conveys your brand’s vision across multiple platforms and create a tailored Digital Marketing solution for you.

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Paid Ads

Our web design goes deeper than the surface to coincide with your paid advertising, maximizing ROI and generating real, measurable conversions. We’ve helped clients market their services through Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Bing and Yahoo advertisements. As certified ad spenders, we know where to place your message and secure business leads of the future.

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Email Marketing

On average, over 300 billion emails are sent each day around the globe. We strive to make your company stand out amongst the clutter.

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Contact information

281.206.0022 9525 Katy Freeway, Suite 230
Houston, Texas 77024